Monitora y jurado |
Una comisión del FICAIJ, Mérida, Venezuela, viajo a São Paulo, Brasil, para conocer y compartir con diversas comisiones regionales e internacionales en el Giffoni São Paulo Film Festival, una iniciativa que coincide con nuestro Festival en su propósito de acercar a niños y jóvenes al audiovisual y al cine alternativo. Para ello se promovieron espacios de encuentro entre los chicos brasileños y los extranjeros con las películas, directores, productores, actores y diversos personajes del mundo del cine en Brasil y otras partes del globo.
Chaperones (Embajadores de la paz) |
El lugar de encuentro fue el Auditorio Simón Bolívar, en el Memorial da América Latina, obra del reconocido arquitecto Oscar Niemeyer.
Jurados de Venezuela, Armenia y Bielorrusia (De izquierda a derecha) |
Los chicos venezolanos conocieron esta vez a otros jóvenes de diversos países entre los que podríamos mencionar Bielorrusia, Corea del Sur, México, España, Italia, Armenia, Hungría, Sudáfrica y por supuesto, Brasil. Aprovecharon la oportunidad para conocer sus culturas, intercambiar ideas, juegos, canciones y celebrar.
Jurados Internacionales |
Como muchos de los participantes de Giffoni São Paulo seguimos coincidiendo en la importancia de este tipo de encuentros, pues permiten el reconocimiento del otro (de su cultura y visión del mundo) aún desde muy tempranas edades. Queremos promover con ello una cultura del diálogo, del respeto a la diversidad, del amor (que no justifique más la guerra a partir de las diferencias).
Lema de uno de los grupos |
Buenamente se han citado en este evento, realizado entre el 28 de enero y 01 de febrero del año en curso, las palabras de Nicolás Cage (Paráfrasis): "Es importante promover este tipo de encuentros en todas partes del mundo; que un niño de Corea pueda enseñar una danza a uno de Colombia; y uno de Palestina pueda hablar sobre la comida típica a uno de China, antes de que los adultos les enseñen a odiar".
Jurados brasileños e internacionales juntos |
English version
FICAIJ in Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Instructor and judge |
A FICAIJ committee went to Sao Paulo, Brazil from Mérida, Venezuela, to meet with some regional and international committees in the Giffoni Film Festival, which took place from January the 28th to February the 1st, 2013. This and our own festival have in common the fact that both are aimed for children and young people to get closer to audiovisual projects and independent films. It is for that reason, that they joined Brazilian and foreign guys along with movies, directors, producers, actors and all kinds of people involved in the film industry in Brazil and around the whole world.
Chaperons (Peace ambassadors) |
The meeting took place in Simon Bolivar‘s Auditorium, which we can find in Memorial da America Latina, and that was built by the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer.
Judges from Venezuela, Armenia and Byelorussia (left to right) |
Venezuelan kids met some other young people from different countries including Byelorussia, South Korea, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Armenia, Hungary, South Africa and of course, Brazil. In this opportunity, they also took the chance to share and to exchange facts about their own culture, ideas, games and songs, as well as to celebrate together.
International judges |
As many of the participants of Giffoni Sao Paulo, we also agree about the importance of carrying out such meetings because they encourage the appreciation and respect among cultures from early ages in kids and young people. Our intention was to promote the dialog between different cultures, to encourage respect for diversity and love (No more wars because of our differences).
Motto of one of the groups |
It is important to remember a quotation taken from Nicholas Cage’s discussion in the Festival, which expressed (paraphrase): “it is important to promote this kind of events everywhere around the world, so that a kid from South Korea would be able to teach a dance to a Colombian kid, and one from Palestine would be able to talk about typical food with one from China, before adults teach them to hate.”
Brazilian and international judges together. |
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