Digecex de la Universidad de Los Andes extiende el llamado en el siguiente enlace: http://chamaescultura.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=50%3Adigecex-ula-convoca-a-jurado-infantil-y-juvenil-del-festival-de-cine
Tal Cual Digital, en Caracas, no se queda atrás y comenta que le toca a los infantiles y juveniles:
Los corresponsales del pueblo recuerdan el Taller de Animación organizado la pasada edición en conjunto con el CNCA y el MUCAA:
Notiandes habla del Festival recordándonos información general sobre el evento y lo que se busca como objetivo:
Otras páginas son:
-Equipo visión:
-Buro de Venezuela:
No podemos olvidar la gentil mención que hace de nosotros el Habana Film Festival, en: http://www.habanafilmfestival.com/noticias/index.php?newsid=597. Aportando así una importante colaboración a la difusión de espacios audiovisuales para los (as) niños (as) y adolescentes.
Agradecemos enormemente la labor de quienes ya se hacen embajadores (as) y/o voceros (as) de nuestro Festival, y con ello de la niñez, la adolescencia y la juventud. Gracias
Festival in the Media
Each day, we are getting closer and closer to the most important event directed and organized by the little ones of the house. They are children and youth with ages between 07 and 17 years olds. The Festival promises big surprises and meeting spaces not only for adults. There are many Medias that had spread the word and that are inviting people to attend and participate within the 07 and 13 May 2012 at the different venues of the Festival. One of the confirmed venues is Multicine Las Tapias located at Las Tapias mall in Merida.
Digecex from University of Los Andes extends the call at the following link:
Tal Cual Digital, from Caracas, not far behind and says it is the turn for the children and youths:
“Los Corresponsales del Pueblo” are remembering the Animation Workshop organized last edition in conjunction with the CNCA and MUCAA:
Notiandes speaks about the Festival reminding general information about the event and some objectives:
Other pages are:
Equipo vision: http://www.equipovision.cl/noticias/2011/11/15/festival-internacional-de-cine-y-video-infantil-y-juvenil/
Buro de Venezuela:
We cannot forget the kind words that make us the Havana Film Festival, in:
They are providing important assistance to the dissemination of audiovisual spaces for children and youth.
We greatly appreciate the work of those who are already ambassadors and / or spokespersons of our Festival, and thus of childhood, adolescence and youth. Thanks
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